All the secrets of the heavens flowed throught the wires attached to the kites, and in to Walcot Mortuary Chapel, where they kickstarted the projector and brought our season of Gothic Horrors to life...
A finger twitched, it began to breathe - and then it sat bolt upright and headed off into the night upon a rampage!
And oh, what fun we had...
With smoke and lighting and flames we welcomed the damned who joined us. Though normally we would not drink 'wine', the red stuff was handed out.
There's a few photo's here to give an idea of the evening, but there'll be better ones to follow since there was a pro on hand...
But look at those colours! Look at that light! It was like entering a Mario Bava movie (I'm not sure anybody else got that, but I was tickled pink!)
Many thanks to everyone who helped make this what it was. Damn good fun with a damn good film, and a wonderful way to start.
Thanks to everyone for coming.To RADIO for their wonderful work in dressing the Chapel, and to ORCHARD STUDIO for the smoke and lighting - thanks for helping us create just the right mood, it looked fantastic...
See you all at the next film!
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