- David Thompson

Welcome to the blog for FROM OUT OF THE SHADOWS a season of films celebrating the Gothic on film. Below you'll find more information on the films themselves, and why we think they're worth your attention. Click on the titles in the 'WHAT'S ON' section to see write-ups on each of the films that we're showing, while if you look back in the Archive Section, you'll find a little more about the Gothic in relation to the city where we're screening and the odd extra tidbit that we couldn't quite fit in anywhere else. Have a good look around. We hope you find it interesting. With any luck we'll see you there... it's going to be a lot of fun.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009


THE INNOCENTS (screening 7.30pm on Friday December 11th) is the greatest ghost story ever put on film - click on the title in the WHAT'S ON sidebar to find out more...

But, at the time, 20th Century Fox, didn't know what the hell to do with it.

Traditionally, in the US, horror films were thought of as kids stuff. This is a movie filled with intelligence. A movie made for adults. Evidently somebody forgot to tell the marketing department, because THIS is the trailer that they made:

When I first saw this trailer, my jaw was on the floor.

It's a testament to the power of editing/post production that a trailer made up largely of footage from the film, can so woefully misrepresent it.

This is a subtle, beautiful, polished film. Delicate even. Precise. It is not the ham fisted mess that this trailer makes it out to be.

I'm not alone in thinking this. The great Joe Dante (GREMLINS, THE HOWLING, INNERSPACE, MATINEE) agrees with me. Over at TRAILERS FROM HELL he does a commentary over the above trailer that says just that. Click HERE to watch and hear.

I love Joe Dante's movies. This makes me love him all the more.

TRAILERS FORM HELL is a great site too - a must for any true fan of film.

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