- David Thompson

Welcome to the blog for FROM OUT OF THE SHADOWS a season of films celebrating the Gothic on film. Below you'll find more information on the films themselves, and why we think they're worth your attention. Click on the titles in the 'WHAT'S ON' section to see write-ups on each of the films that we're showing, while if you look back in the Archive Section, you'll find a little more about the Gothic in relation to the city where we're screening and the odd extra tidbit that we couldn't quite fit in anywhere else. Have a good look around. We hope you find it interesting. With any luck we'll see you there... it's going to be a lot of fun.

Thursday, 4 March 2010


Just thought I'd post this for any newbies finding their way to this site... the show is saddly over folks. At least for now...

The first FROM OUT OF THE SHADOWS festival celebrating the glory of Gothic Cinema, wrapped up in December 2009 with a screening of THE INNOCENTS, introduced by Sir Christopher Frayling, and prefaced by a live reading of M.R. James classic ghost story LOST HEARTS read by Stephanie Cole.

Thank you to EVERYONE who came along to see the films. And thank you to EVERYONE WHO HELPED! To the luminaries who came along to speak and introduce the films, and to the businesses who supported us to make the screenings (especially that kick off in the mortuary chapel) something extra special.

Do keep an ocasional eye on the site though - like all good ghouls, you can't count on it to stay dead. We've hopes that a second season will happen, so keep your eyes peeled for an announcement, and your lucky stake and crucifix to hand!

All the best! Hope we see you all again soon!